The first trailer for “LEGO Jurassic Park: The Unofficial Retelling” has recently been unveiled, exciting fans and setting the stage for a unique animated short film. Scheduled to make its debut on Peacock in October, this 22-minute-long special promises to offer a fresh perspective on Steven Spielberg’s iconic 1993 film, “Jurassic Park,” by narrating the story from the viewpoint of the witty and charismatic Dr. Ian Malcolm.
This imaginative project commemorates the 30th anniversary of “Jurassic Park,” a cinematic classic starring the likes of Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum. The official synopsis sets the stage for a nostalgic journey, as Dr. Ian Malcolm, now slightly older and comfortably situated in his living room, reopens his personal journal to recount the events of that fateful night at Jurassic Park.
The synopsis reads, “From the comfort of his living room and after finding his personal journal, the ever charming and now slightly older Chaos Theory Mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm retells the tale of what happened that dreadful night at Jurassic Park. As only he can do, Dr. Malcolm finds a way to add his own unique humor and style to bring this harrowing story back to life. A theme park destination filled with living dinosaurs for family and kids to enjoy – what could possibly go wrong? Absolutely everything…just as he had predicted!”
In an exciting nod to the enduring appeal of the “Jurassic Park” franchise, LEGO is also launching a new line of sets to honor the 30th anniversary. Among these sets are the “LEGO Jurassic World The Visitor Center (76961),” featuring the iconic T. rex battle, and “LEGO Jurassic World Brachiosaurus Discovery (76960),” the first set to bring the majestic Brachiosaurus to life in LEGO form. Additionally, fans can look forward to the “LEGO Jurassic World Triceratops Research (76959),” complete with the fan-favorite buildable dinosaur poop, and “LEGO Jurassic World Dilophosaurus Ambush (76958),” which includes the iconic Jurassic Park Jeep. There’s also the “Velociraptor Escape (76957),” featuring a pen and feeding basket for your pet Velociraptor.
For fans seeking more LEGO dino-action, Peacock is expanding its streaming library with “LEGO Jurassic World: Legend of Isla Nublar,” “LEGO Jurassic World: The Secret Exhibit 1 & 2,” and “LEGO Jurassic World: Indominus Escape,” providing an array of entertaining options.
Mark your calendars, as “LEGO Jurassic Park: The Unofficial Retelling” is slated for release on Peacock on October 10, 2023, promising an enjoyable and nostalgic trip down memory lane for both long-time fans and a new generation of dinosaur enthusiasts.